With so much uncertainty surrounding the economy, consolidation of pharmaceutical companies, lack of funding for biotechs and drug safety concerns, one thing is for sure – there is still much work to be done to bring new medicines to market and we’re all being asked to do more with less. That’s why it’s imperative to get your clinical outsourced studies right the first time around. And, the long term view from industry experts is that outsourcing will continue to dominate.
But with so much flux in the marketplace due to career shifts, Big Pharma re-orgs and smaller pharma and biotechs ready to send new products into development, there’s a learning curve when it comes to making the right outsourcing decisions. You need to be armed with the information and contacts to get moving - the alternative can cause project delays costing into the millions.
Fundamentals of Clinical Outsourcing is a conference you can’t afford to miss!
→ If you are challenged by making decisions on full-service vs. functional outsourcing, or are struggling to convert a vendor bid into a study contract, you will benefit from the collective experience shared by our expert speaking faculty.
→ If change orders due to hurried or unrealistic scope of work or poor communication with your partners have just about stopped your trial in its tracks, you’ll find solutions for these challenges as well.
→ And, if you’re worried about quality oversight of third party clinical research data, you will hear directly from the FDA on what they expect.
Download the brochure for more information on how to do more with less and get your studies right the first time around.
We understand travel budgets are limited, so we are especially pleased to offer this program regionally in both Boston this October and San Francisco in November to facilitate your attendance.
Make sure to register before August 28th and Save up to $300! Mention Priority code 0T4JXO
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